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Equine Assisted Learning
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Equine Assisted Learning Programs

At Unicorn Valley, our Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) programs strive to support holistic growth and emotional intelligence of humans, horses, and all living beings based on awareness, love, trust and authentic relationships. Unicorn Valley has three EAL Practitioners at the helm, offering clinics for people of all ages and from all walks of life.

Individual sessions

Equestrian Assisted Learning

Our EAL sessions offer experiential learning with horses, where clients learn about themselves and acquire valuable skills to help improve their quality of life.


We cover many different areas in our EAL sessions including: 


•    Communication skills
•    Setting boundaries
•    Working independently
•    Social and emotional skills
•    Relationship building
•    Personal growth, and many more...

Cost is $130 per person per session.


'Outside In'

Growing Together

Horses have been successfully used in psychotherapy and Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) for years.
A safe, fun and emotional learning experience for all ages.


'Liberty' Personal Development

Dive Right In

These sessions are the perfect way to come ‘home’ to yourself by developing life skills and exploring ‘old habits’ that are no longer serving you well.


'Horse Wisdom'

Hands-On Learning

Learn the true power of horse wisdom by becoming aware, present, bold and connected with yourself and others, through mindfulness and relationship building.

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